Sorry.... Please accept our apologies for the late announcement of finalists for our contest. We had a delay with one of the categories and would like to announce all categories at the same time. We expect to wrap it up soon and will contact all contestants at that time. Thanks for your patience.
The Rules Rules:
Entrants must be RWA members unpublished in book length fiction in
the last five years. Unpublished is
defined by RWA standards. Submit 3
copies of the first 25 pages or less of a romance novel, a SAS postcard for
notification of receipt of entry (optional), and a SASE (preferably a cardboard
Priority Mail flat rate envelope) for return of the manuscript, score sheets,
and result list. A synopsis is
optional, but if you choose to include one, it may be no longer than 5 pages,
and will be counted as part of your 25-page limit.
In lieu of a synopsis, contestants may include a 1-page story set-up.
This helps the judges see where your story is going and is especially
helpful when a hero/heroine/main character has not yet been introduced.
However, the 1-page set-up also counts as part of your 25-page limit.
Each manuscript must be accompanied by the full entry fee and a completed
and signed Entry Form/Contestant's Agreement.
Please DO NOT send via registered mail or use any other means of
delivery, which may require a signature. Winners:
The top 3 finalists in each category will be reviewed by an editor/agent.
Finalists in each category will receive certificates of merit.
In the event there are more than 20 entries in a category fourth place
finalists will also be reviewed by an editor/agent.
In the event there are more than 30 entries fifth place finalists will
also be reviewed by an editor/agent. Fee:
$25.00 ($15.00 for NEORWA Chapter members).
Make checks payable to NEORWA. All
fees are non-refundable. Categories:
Contemporary Series/Category (50,000-85,000 words), Contemporary Single
Title (85,000 words or more), Romantic Suspense, Historical, Inspirational,
Mainstream Fiction with Romantic Elements, Paranormal and Chick Lit.
(See explanations of categories and
list of judging editors/agents below.) *Note:
If fewer than 6 entries are received in any category, the category may be
eliminated and the entries returned to authors with entry fee, or contestant may
elect to choose another category for their entry. Manuscript
format: Manuscripts
should be typed in a 12 pt readable font, double-spaced with one-inch margins
and bound by a binder clip. The
header on every page should contain only the title in the upper left corner and
page number in the upper right. We
encourage you to add the targeted line and/or publisher in the header if you so
desire. Example:
Harlequin�s Blaze, HQN, Red Dress Ink, Bombshell, Luna, Pocket�s
Downtown Press, Kensington�s Brava, etc. The author�s name must not appear
anywhere on the manuscript to avoid disqualification. Judging:
Judges are encouraged to critique directly on the manuscripts as well as
filling out comments on the score sheets. Each submission receives at least 2
judgings, 3 if a discrepancy judge is warranted.
A 3rd judging is required when scores vary by 25 or more
points, provided at least 1 score was at least 80% of the total points.
The lowest of the 3 scores will then be eliminated.
Entries must be received by July 1, 2005.
Finalists will be notified as close to September 30th as